Simplified Chinese translation for po4a
by hottea
dear all.
I'm not sure if I have join this mail list. I don't know how to join as there isn't a how-to on the website. I hope you can receive my email.
I found po4a when doing some translation, and found that there's not a complete Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, so I do the work. I create a project on transifex, a localization platform, see I wonder how could I see the final result? Where are the translation installed?
If you're interested in the Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, please join the language team on, you can also request language on transifex.
send from hottea's openSUSE
4 years, 1 month
Example of dumper (along with references) using Pod::Simple?
by Martin Quinson
I'm one of the authors of the tool, which eases the
translation of documentation in various formats. The idea is to parse
the documentations, keep the structure and replace the content in
english with the translated content. See for more information.
(beware, the mailing lists of both projects are CCed)
po4a is written in Perl, and uses Pod::Parser so far, but I'm
considering switching to Pod::Simple instead, thus this email.
I seem to understand that Pod::Parser is kinda deprecated and
Pod::Simple superior (I guess you agree?). In addition, my biggest
concern with Pod::Parser is that the reported line numbers are wrong.
The library reports fancyful locations for the blocks it reports.
For example, the following page reports that the presented page is in
file po4a, line 2 (there is a link to the bottom right).
But when you click on that link, you see that it's not the right
location at all. That's line 2 of the POD chunks, not of the whole file.
I had a look at Pod::Simple to see how to convert po4a to the
modernity, but I would appreciate to have some guidance, please. For
reference, our code is here:
For now, we override initialize(), command(), verbatim() and
textblock() and then call parse_from_file() on the provided file.
First question: which of the many Pod::Simple examples should I look
at to adapt this code? Sorry for this silly question, but you really
have many examples...
Second question: How do you retrieve the line number in the original
text in your parsers? Will I have the same issue with the reported
line numbers ignoring the cut parts of the file?
Third question: Is it possible to get some information from the
external blocks? (the parts that are not POD in the file) I would like
to "see" the comments added to these parts, searching for specific
comments that are intended for the translators. This is to implement
something similar to --add-command of xgettext.
Summarizing the first questions, I'm looking for a Pod::Simple example
that would dump the content to stdout along with the line numbers at
which the blocks are found.
And if you feel that I'm off tracks and that my questions are not
relevant, I really need your guidance...
Thanks in advance,
Never trust a programmer in a suit.
4 years, 9 months
po4a v0.59.1 just released.
by Martin Quinson
Hello all,
I just tagged and released a new version of po4a. TL;DR:
It contains a second attempt at fixing the bugs that prevents the
packages using po_directory and --srcdir or --destdir from building
properly. The first attempt fixed dpkg but was not enough for
aptitude. This should be better now.
This version also fixes an old issue of the SGML module that was
randomly fuzzying the strings because the tag attributes were
displayed in a random order. That's crazy that it took me so long to
actually understand what the problem was about, because we already
fixed the exact same issue in XML in the past. The reports were
explicit, my bad...
As for the translation statistics, I suspect that I messed up
something with weblate, because the only language that is 100% is
German, translated manually by Helge Kreutzmann. I thought I brought
the French binaries to 100%, for example. Maybe I forgot to reimport
the POT onto weblate or something. Sorry about that. I tried :-/
But don't worry, I think that there is still some low hanging fruits
in the reported issues, and I guess that another release will come at
some point. And of course, we can do more releases when more languages
get back at 100%.
(if you're looking for the changelog and stats, they are in the release
notes on github)
Thanks for your attention, and happy translating.
No, I'm not going to explain it.
If you can't figure it out, you didn't want to know anyway...
--- Larry Wall
4 years, 10 months
New release really soon
by Martin Quinson
it seems that the recent fix to the 'po_directory' setting was not
enough since another Debian package is still broken for this reason.
This time, it's not dpkg but aptitude...
I think that I have a better fix in the git, and I think I'll release
a new version very soon, maybe sunday.
Unfortunately, this fix also brings a bunch of sentences to translate,
as I decided to be cautionous and verbose on unexpected settings.
If you want to update your translation, please do so. But no rush:
I'll probably release another version at some point afterward.
Thanks for your patience,
This message has been made up using recycled ideas and language constructs.
No tree has been cut nor animal harmed in process of making it.
4 years, 10 months
po4a v0.59 released
by Martin Quinson
I just tagged and released the v0.59 release of po4a. This is kind of
an emergency release, as v0.58 was breaking the build of several
Debian packages, including dpkg and aptitude. This is why I released
even before all translations are completed.
Also, this release contains a high number of documentation fixes and
improvement. It seems that the more doc improvement I do, the more
issues are reported :) This is good, it means that the doc becomes
useful enough for people to actually look at it. I'm a bit sorry for
the extra translation work, but I have no better idea here.
Anyway. The full ChangeLog, translation statistics and tarball are
available at the usual location:
As usual, more releases will come as bugs get reported and fixed, and
as the translations get completed.
Thanks for your support, and happy translations.
Strong reject, for obvious reasons. -- Bastard Reviewer From Hell
4 years, 10 months
po4a v0.58.1 released
by Martin Quinson
Hello all,
one week after v0.58, I just released v0.58.1. The plan was to do a
dot release to complete the translations, but some bug fixes got
included in the meanwhile, which is great. The ChangeLog and the
translation statistics follow.
Another release could happen in the next few weeks, depending on the
flow of incoming translations and other improvements that we receive.
The biggest upcoming change is that the tablecells option in AsciiDoc
will soon become the default settings. Please test this option if you
are not using it already, and report any issue that you could see.
Thanks to the contributors, and happy translating to all.
* Documentation improvements:
- Document an option of the XML parser (GitHub's #223).
- Small glitches found during the translations.
* Tests:
- Also ignore 'Project-Id-Version' when diffing PO files (GitHub's #224)
- asciidoc: reactivate tablecells tests
* AsciiDoc:
- fix management of images in tables (Github's #226)
- tolerate underline length variations in two lines titles (Github's #212)
* Translations updates:
- Updated: Dutch, thanks Frans Spiesschaert.
- Updated: German, thanks Helge Kreutzmann.
- Updated: Hungarian, thanks Balázs Úr.
- Updated: Italian, thanks Marco Ciampa.
- Updated: Portuguese (Brazil), thanks Rafael Fontenelle.
- Updated: Russian, thanks Golubev Alexander and Andrei Stepanov.
- Updated: Ukrainian, thanks Yuri Chornoivan (українська).
* Status of the binary translation:
- 10 languages = 100%: de, es, fr, hr, hu, it, nl, pt_BR, ru, uk.
- 1 language >= 90%: sr_Cyrl (93%).
- 7 languages >= 80%: et (89%), ja (87%), nb (89%), pl (89%), pt (89%), sv (84%), vi (89%).
- 6 languages >= 70%: cs (77%), da (77%), eo (77%), eu (77%), id (79%), sl (77%).
- 1 language >= 50%: ca (60%).
- 2 languages >= 20%: ko (27%), zh_CN (26%).
- 4 starting languages: af (10%), ar (17%), kn (12%), zh_HK (6%).
* Status of the documentation translation:
- 3 languages = 100%: de, pt_BR, uk.
- 2 languages >= 80%: fr (80%), pt (80%).
- 3 languages >= 70%: es (79%), ja (75%), pl (74%).
- 2 languages >= 50%: it (53%), ru (58%).
- 1 language >= 33%: ca (48%).
- 5 starting languages: hu (0%), nb (1%), nl (13%), sr_Cyrl (1%), zh_CHS (1%).
4 years, 10 months
Releasing 0.58.1 tomorrow, please recomplete the translations
by Martin Quinson
I'd like to release a new version tomorrow to integrate the recent
translation work, and to release the fix to #226 on GitHub.
But unfortunately, I added a new string to the doc a while ago, so it
would be wonderful if you could check your translations again. Here is
the current status:
10 languages = 100%: de, es, fr, hr, hu, it, nl, pt_BR, ru, uk.
1 language >= 90%: sr_Cyrl (93%).
7 languages >= 80%: et (89%), ja (87%), nb (89%), pl (89%), pt (89%), sv (84%), vi (89%).
6 languages >= 70%: cs (77%), da (77%), eo (77%), eu (77%), id (79%), sl (77%).
1 language >= 50%: ca (60%).
2 languages >= 20%: ko (27%), zh_CN (26%).
4 starting languages: af (10%), ar (17%), kn (12%), zh_HK (6%).
3 languages >= 95%: de (99%), pt_BR (99%), uk (99%).
2 languages >= 80%: fr (80%), pt (80%).
3 languages >= 70%: es (79%), ja (75%), pl (74%).
2 languages >= 50%: it (53%), ru (56%).
1 language >= 33%: ca (48%).
5 starting languages: hu (0%), nb (1%), nl (13%), sr_Cyrl (1%), zh_CHS (1%).
Thanks in advance,
Les coups et les douleurs, ca se discute pas.
4 years, 10 months
po4a v0.58 released
by Martin Quinson
Deal all,
I just tagged and released the v0.58 release of po4a. This version
comes with many changes, listed in the attached ChangeLog. The main
improvement is that the tests were completely rewritten to make them
more robust and less permissive. As a result many many problems were
fixed in po4a(1). Many bugs reported against the parsers were also
fixed, even if some of them remain.
In some rare cases, the behavior of the po4a program changed a bit for
sake of consistency. I don't think that anybody will have to update
their po4a.conf to cope with the changes (in the precedency between
global and local options), but a tiny possibility remains.
The documentation of po4a(1), po4a(7) and po4a-gettextize(1) was also
completely rewritten. I hope you will like the new version. This
required a lot of work for the translators, too. Many thanks to them.
Here are the current translation stats:
9 languages = 100%: de, es, fr, hr, it, nl, pt_BR, ru, uk.
1 language >= 95%: hu (95%).
1 language >= 90%: sr_Cyrl (93%).
7 languages >= 80%: et (89%), ja (87%), nb (89%), pl (89%), pt (89%), sv (84%), vi (89%).
6 languages >= 70%: cs (77%), da (77%), eo (77%), eu (77%), id (79%), sl (77%).
1 language >= 50%: ca (60%).
2 languages >= 20%: ko (27%), zh_CN (26%).
4 starting languages: af (10%), ar (17%), kn (12%), zh_HK (6%).
2 languages = 100%: de, uk.
1 language >= 95%: pt_BR (97%).
2 languages >= 80%: fr (80%), pt (80%).
3 languages >= 70%: es (79%), ja (75%), pl (74%).
2 languages >= 50%: it (50%), ru (55%).
1 language >= 33%: ca (48%).
5 starting languages: hu (0%), nb (1%), nl (12%), sr_Cyrl (1%), zh_CHS (1%).
You can get the new version from here:
I plan to have a dot release in a week or so, mostly for translations
improvements, and small fixes (if any).
Thanks for your support, and happy translations.
There is an important sense in which the arguments [for studing coding]
ring like the overzealous prescriptions for studying Latin in the
Victorian times. -- Logo Programming & the Pb Solving, Roy D. Pea, 1983.
4 years, 10 months