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13 years, 7 months
LaTeX to PO, and DDP hosting for the Packaging Tutorial
by David Prévot
Le 07/05/2011 21:16, Osamu Aoki a écrit :
> Since this is in LateX and po4a can support LaTeX source, once we move
> this to DDP, it may be trivial to add French version :-)
> (man 3 Locale::Po4a::LaTeX)
Jean-Philippe just proposed to translate it into French, and I gave a
first shot to Locale::Po4a::LaTeX, result of the following command attached:
po4a-gettextize -o definitions=perso -f latex \
-m packaging-tutorial.tex -p packaging-tutorial.pot
Where perso contains:
% po4a: command author []{}
% po4a: command -date {_}
% po4a: command frame {}
% po4a: environment axis []
% po4a: environment frame []{_}
% po4a: verbatim environment lstlisting
% po4a: environment tikzpicture []
I'd welcome some comment and help to provide a more friendly POT file:
- kick away the “ \\hbr” and “ \\br” stuff;
- kick away the \mode<presentation>, \usetheme{debian} and alike;
- offer directly the content of pdftitle (instead of pdftitle={Debian
Packaging Tutorial},bookmarks…
Modifying the packaging-tutorial.tex source (to make it po4a-friendly)
is an option if needed.
I've added the po4a devel list in order to gather more idea, source is
available at:
BTW, if we are to provide a way to easily translate this Tutorial, maybe
could we host it inside the DDP (provided that Lucas agrees to move the
development to the Subversion repository).
> Does language auto-selection scheme works for PDF too?
> foo.en.pdf
Yes but the other way around:
Of course, foo.pdf must not exists, so the foo.pdf URL offers the
accurate CN-friendly content.
13 years, 8 months