Simplified Chinese translation for po4a
by hottea
dear all.
I'm not sure if I have join this mail list. I don't know how to join as there isn't a how-to on the website. I hope you can receive my email.
I found po4a when doing some translation, and found that there's not a complete Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, so I do the work. I create a project on transifex, a localization platform, see I wonder how could I see the final result? Where are the translation installed?
If you're interested in the Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, please join the language team on, you can also request language on transifex.
send from hottea's openSUSE
4 years
po4a v0.47 released
by Martin Quinson
I just released a new version of po4a. The corresponding changelog
entries follows.
Enjoy, Mt.
___ _ _ _____
__ __/ _ \| || |___ |
\ \ / / | | | || |_ / / Three months are gone already
\ V /| |_| |__ _/ /
\_/ \___(_) |_|/_/ (released 2015-08-28)
* Fix: don't add supirious lines around \# lines (Debian's 786642)
Thanks to David Prévot (bug report) and to Robert Luberda (patch)
* Bugfix: poref is a command line option (Debian's #775707)
Thanks to Guillem Jover for the report and the patch.
* Update Italian, thanks to Marco Ciampa.
* Port our regex to Perl 5.22 (Debian's #788706)
Thanks to Roderich Schupp for the report and patch.
Project resources:
* We migrated from SVN to GIT. All history has been converted.
The project is still hosted on alioth, although an unofficial
project was created on github (mquinson/po4a) to get the pull
requests of the ones preferring the comfort of non free solutions.
9 years, 5 months
Markdown & nowrap
by Cédric Moreau
Hello guys,
First, thank you for your great work. It seems to be the tool I needed to
translate a technical blog of our (, powered by Ghost
I successfully managed to extract .pot files from markdown using
po4a-gettextize. Here is an extract:
#. type: Plain text
> #:
> msgid ""
> "There we are! uCoin finally has its own blog, which will also act as main
> "
> "website. You will find here regular news about the project, events, and "
> "various analysis of existing and incoming currencies (crypto or not). Do
> not "
> "forget we also have:"
> msgstr ""
> ""
However, I am getting an issue with line wrapping when converting back to
markdown: I do have some phrases longer than 76 characters in the original
document, but po4a wraps these lines in rendering.
My translation of above example gave:
#. type: Plain text
> #:
> msgid ""
> "There we are! uCoin finally has its own blog, which will also act as main
> "
> "website. You will find here regular news about the project, events, and "
> "various analysis of existing and incoming currencies (crypto or not). Do
> not "
> "forget we also have:"
> msgstr ""
> "Nous y sommes! uCoin dispose enfin de son propre blog, qui servira
> également "
> "de site web. Vous y trouverez des nouvelles régulières du projet, des "
> "événements, et des analyses variées des monnaies existantes ("
> "cryptographiques ou non). N'oubliez pas que nous disposons aussi :"
And finally, the markdown result gives me :
Nous y sommes! uCoin dispose enfin de son propre blog, qui servira également
> de site web. Vous y trouverez des nouvelles régulières du projet, des
> événements, et des analyses variées des monnaies existantes
> (cryptographiques ou non). N'oubliez pas que nous disposons aussi :
I do not understand *why* lines are wrapped that way. I do not want
wrapping, just a very long line.
I've tried some "porefs=full,nowrap" without success.
Where am I wrong please?
9 years, 5 months