If it's not the right place to bring up this issue, let me know.
Issue below, when running ./Build test on Slint (based on
Slackware64-14.2) for po4a version 0.62
Test Summary Report
t/cfg-multi.t (Wstat: 2048 Tests: 40 Failed: 8)
Failed tests: 17-20, 33-36
Non-zero exit status: 8
t/cfg-single.t (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 52 Failed: 4)
Failed tests: 17-20
Non-zero exit status: 4
t/cfg-split.t (Wstat: 3072 Tests: 40 Failed: 12)
Failed tests: 17-28
TODO passed: 12
Non-zero exit status: 12
Files=29, Tests=341, 78 wallclock secs ( 0.84 usr 0.13 sys + 59.46 cusr
17.99 csys = 78.42 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 3/29 test programs. 24/341 subtests failed.
I have double checked that I have all dependencies.
In the checklist below the name of the package providing each dependency
is in the second line.
Dependencies mentioned in README.md:
* Locale::gettext (v1.01)
* Text::WrapI18N
* Term::ReadKey
included in package perl-5.22.2
* SGMLS (1.03ii)
included in package linuxdoc-tools: libsgmls-perl_1.03ii
* opensp (1.5.2) OpenJade group's SGML parsing tools
included in package linuxdoc-tools: OpenSP-1.5.2
* docbook
docbook-xml-4.4 includes 4.1.2, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4
package linusdoc-tools includes 4.5
* Unicode::GCString
* YAML::Tiny
Dependencies mentioned in Build.PL:
* Pod::Parser
perl-Pod-Parser: 1.63
Module::Build' => 0.42
The full log is attached.
Thanks in advance for any clue.
Best regards,
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