On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 06:30:58AM +0000, Jordi Vilalta wrote:
Index: Po.pm
+=item to_utf()
+This recodes all the msgstrs in the po from the character set specified in the
+header to utf-8. This process is only ignored if the header character set is
+"CHARSET" (unspecified, usually means ascii), "ascii" or
What do you mean here? The "only" really puzzle me. What about:
Recodes to utf-8 the po's msgstrs. Does nothing if the charset is not
specified in the po file ("CHARSET" value), or if it's already utf-8 or
Is this what the function does?
Ce que nous vendons à Coca-Cola, c'est du temps de cerveau humain disponible.
-- Patrick Le Lay, PDG de TF1 (L'Expansion, 09/07/2004).