I can see your point, but do not like your proposal that much, we
would like to see po4a more widely adopted by other distributions, so
I am reluctant to request translations on debian-i18n.
I understand now. Since po4a
is hosted in alioth, I thought it «behaved»
as other projects under the Debian Project umbrella.
Nicolas may have Bcc'ed translators, I do not know; maybe
podebconf-report-po could be used to automate this call for
translations. That would indeed be a very good idea, but requires
some testing.
Good. I wouldn't mind contacting translators «by hand» in the
«Last-translator» field if Nicolas agrees, checking the po's integrity
and so on... and giving it to the list for a commit to the repo. I know
you guys are busy. About podebconf-report-po, I don't know well how it
works. Anyway, it's in your hands to take a decision.
Given the short notice period, it is very likely that I will propose
another release in one month to include translation updates.
Great, thanks for
reading and replying. :)
Omar Campagne Polaino