On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 01:15:28AM +0200, Francois Gouget wrote:
Martin Quinson wrote:
> Couldn't we seed the option set of
>each modules from the transtractor code or such?
I've tried something like this but it failed because Sgml.pm complained
it did not know about 'porefs'.
Maybe the modules should add the options they recognize to a hash list
that they would return to whoever controls things at the top. Then any
option missing from the hash would be reported as an error.
Now, Transtractor adds "porefs" to the $self->{options} hash before calling
the initialization of the plugin, so they won't complain about it being
unknown. I checked, all the plugins accepting options deal with them the
same way in their initialize().
Then, Transtractor uses its value to build the Po->new() options.
I guess it's good enough for now, but would appreciate feedback on this one
Bye, Mt.