On 21/08/2013 00:04, D. Barbier wrote:
I have been able to build sp-1.3.4 with the attached patch.
Anyway I am afraid that this won't solve your problem.
Can you please run
cd t && PERLLIB=../lib perl ../po4a-normalize \
-o debug="tag generic refs entities nsgmls" \
-f sgml data-20/test2.sgml > log.out 2>&1
and send the log.out file?
this patch fails on my system because it tries to patch spgrove/GroveBuilder.cxx
which is missing in
that I used (and if I leave out this part of the parch make fails anyway).
So I figured that instead you applied it against
ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/jade/jade-1.2.1.tar.gz, thus downloaded
the source jade package for sid and applied the big patch jade_1.2.1-47.3.diff.
The build went OK, so I replaced slackware-current's binary nsgmls by
the one I just made.
Unfortunately something should be wrong as then running aforementioned
command just gave me attached output log.out.debian (and if I run
./Build test I get similar result).l
Then I reverted to the nsgmls shipped with Slackware and got something
more useful, I hope, see attached log.out.slack.
I hope that helps you investigate further, thanks for your time.