El día Wed, Apr 07, 2004, Denis Barbier <barbier(a)linuxfr.org> escribió:
Po4a-gettextize is a very special tool, it has to guess which
are translations of others, and the only information that can be used
is the document structure. If both documents have an identical
structure, the 1x1 determination of translations is straightforward.
But when they differ, this task may become quite hard, so at the moment
it is better to stop than provide wrong translations.
I suppose you are talking about alignment. What I don't see is why
are all tags considered for segmentation; obviously <para>, <section>, etc.
are capital, but what do inline information tags like <application>
or <acronym> have to do with it?
PS: I'll be on holidays for some days, it's not that I'm not interested
in the thread :-)
jr <juanrafael.fernandez at hispalinux.es>
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