Simplified Chinese translation for po4a
by hottea
dear all.
I'm not sure if I have join this mail list. I don't know how to join as there isn't a how-to on the website. I hope you can receive my email.
I found po4a when doing some translation, and found that there's not a complete Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, so I do the work. I create a project on transifex, a localization platform, see I wonder how could I see the final result? Where are the translation installed?
If you're interested in the Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, please join the language team on, you can also request language on transifex.
send from hottea's openSUSE
4 years, 1 month
po4a IRC channel on OFTC
by chals
Hi again,
My name is Carlos Zuferri. First of all, congratulations for the great
software. I know that it sounds like a common place, but I have been
using po4a for four years now and it is really great.
And please CC me as I am not subscribed to your mailing list.
A couple of days ago, I joined the #po4a channel on OFTC because a
friend of mine, ralph, told me that he had been the only user in that
channel for quite some time. Now we are three po4a users in there,
mostly idling, and we are curious to know whether the channel is still
officially supported or not.
This is just a matter of curiosity, so not a big deal. We wouldn't
like the channel to be/appear as "dead" so we intend to continue there
even if idling...
I hope the irc channel has not been abandoned. Thank you very much for
your feedback on this.
Have a nice weekend.
10 years, 10 months
Markup text alignment interoperability problem between versions 0.42 and 0.45 (debian)
by chals
First of all, can you please CC me as I'm not subscribed to your mailing list?
My name is Carlos Zuferri and I contribute to the debian project
translating documentation. I mainly translate the contents of
live-manual, so the information below refers to it. live-manual uses a
markup language that is very similar to markdown. For example for
monospace #{text}#, for bold *{text}* and other similar features.
I do not know if I have stated the title of this message correctly.
With "alignment" I mean "text justification". Let's see if I can
explain the situation correctly. (The operating system is debian.)
Debian wheezy includes po4a version 0.42-1
Debian jessie/sid include po4a version 0.45-1
Version 0.45 aligns marked up text like this:
I copy and paste an original string from a .po file (taken from the
Polish translation):
"_* Zmienne dotyczące parametrów startowych live-config zaczynają się od #"
Now I copy and paste the same string after processing it with po4a 0.45:
"_* Zmienne dotyczące parametrów startowych live-config zaczynają się od "
This "alignment" thing changes hundreds and hundreds of strings in
dozens of .po files.
Even though at first I thought that this was a bug, I finally accepted
the fact that it could be a very nice feature since it really does
improve readability.
But then the problems begin. If a translator uses po4a version 0.45
and pushes all the changed strings in the .po files to git and
anonther translator using po4a 0.42 pulls, and then makes changes, the
alignment is reverted and so all the strings and po files go back to
the original state. I copy and paste the same strings as above after
processing them with 0.42:
-"_* Zmienne dotyczące parametrów startowych live-config zaczynają się od "
+"_* Zmienne dotyczące parametrów startowych live-config zaczynają się od #"
So as you can see it is a catch 22 situation in the sense that strings
are modified once and again meaninlessly.
I really do not know if this is just a problem of text justification
(in terms of line length) or that po4a has a certain algorithm that
makes it act this way. Maybe it has to do with the upstream gnu
gettext. By the way, I forgot to say that the same thing happens in
another case, and this time it is not a markup feature. In live-manual
there is one instance of the word "files" written as "file(s)" this
word is also aligned.
So far we have worked around this issue by mainly using just wheezy
and being very careful what to commit to git and what not, but there
is one translator that is using the jessie/sid version and pushing
"everything" a bit carelessly, causing the problem mentioned above. Is
there anything that we can do (configuration wise) to avoid this?
Sorry for the long e-mail. I hope I have been able to explain the
problem correctly. To finish with, let me post some links to the git
repo in case someone fancies to take a look at it:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/...
The po4a related makefile:;a=blob;f=manual/Makefile...
And in more detail, the diff of the example I have used in this email:;a=commitdiff;h=0d4dd2bac...
Thank you very much for your patience and great work :)
10 years, 10 months
Support for SVG files?
by Claudio Filho
My name is Claudio and i did a work called "Understand Debian"[1], a
infographic with an overview of Debian as all. In the past I did it in 10
languages, but I edited by hand, a very poor support to translated versions.
So, Raphael Hertzog, from Debian's Handbook, suggested to use po4a. What i
see, is a good tool, but i don't know if is an user problem our haven't
support in the tool.
As SVG is a XML file, i saw that was good the convertion from SVG to PO,
but when i try return to SVG with the translation, i have problems, where
the tool said me that the source *need* to be a .doc file (???).
Are you some experience in use po4a in SVG files and can share with me?
Thank in advance,
ps: if possible, add my email in cc. I'm not subscribed in the list.
10 years, 10 months
Support for reST (reStructuredText)
by Christian Ziemski
I'm using Po4a for maintenance of reST(reStructuredText) formatted
The format "text" is almost working fine here but has problems with some
of reST's specials.
So I patched to get it working, at least for me.
Since I'm new to Po4a (and to this list) and not fluent in Perl
it may not be a perfect solution, but anyway:
Is there any interest in the patch (it's against version 0.42)?
10 years, 11 months