Simplified Chinese translation for po4a
by hottea
dear all.
I'm not sure if I have join this mail list. I don't know how to join as there isn't a how-to on the website. I hope you can receive my email.
I found po4a when doing some translation, and found that there's not a complete Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, so I do the work. I create a project on transifex, a localization platform, see I wonder how could I see the final result? Where are the translation installed?
If you're interested in the Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, please join the language team on, you can also request language on transifex.
send from hottea's openSUSE
4 years
Support for reST (reStructuredText)
by Christian Ziemski
I'm using Po4a for maintenance of reST(reStructuredText) formatted
The format "text" is almost working fine here but has problems with some
of reST's specials.
So I patched to get it working, at least for me.
Since I'm new to Po4a (and to this list) and not fluent in Perl
it may not be a perfect solution, but anyway:
Is there any interest in the patch (it's against version 0.42)?
10 years, 10 months