Support for reST (reStructuredText)
by Christian Ziemski
I'm using Po4a for maintenance of reST(reStructuredText) formatted
The format "text" is almost working fine here but has problems with some
of reST's specials.
So I patched to get it working, at least for me.
Since I'm new to Po4a (and to this list) and not fluent in Perl
it may not be a perfect solution, but anyway:
Is there any interest in the patch (it's against version 0.42)?
10 years, 11 months
Request to partner with you
I apologize for this unsolicited email but I do have an urgent
business proposition that I would like to discuss with you. I
have access to certain funds that needs to be moved out of Africa
immediately. I am looking to partner with somebody to assist me
in this. Please note that it is not illegal in any way nor will
either of us be breaking any laws. I am willing
to handsomely compensate you for your assistance. In case you are
willing to assist in the project do please get in touch with me
at your earliest convenience so I can provide details to you.
Herman Philips
12 years, 2 months