by info@kqsv06.com
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19 years, 11 months
by info@kqsv06.com
19 years, 11 months
[Po4a-devel]Re: [Po4a-commits] po4a po4a,1.26,1.27
by Jordi Vilalta
On Sat, 23 Apr 2005, Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:
> Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a
> In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv5986
> Modified Files:
> po4a
> Log Message:
> Add support for options and module aliases in the config files.
thanks for commiting. Currently I'm so busy, so I couldn't review the patch,
but if it does what I've read, it's a nice enhancement :) Many thanks
Jordi Vilalta
19 years, 11 months
Re: [Po4a-devel]New solution to translate XML using po files
by Jordi Vilalta
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Martin Quinson wrote:
> From what I can see, the entities are rewritten before the content is
> extracted to po files. This is bad because it will unnecessary fuzzy the
> strings when the entity content change. In po4a/sgml, entities are
> translated separately, and then the entities are preserved into msgids. I'm
> not sure about po4a/xml.
Entities are still not handled in the xml module :(
> The most interesting point is that they provide an heuristic for automatic
> tags classification. Maybe from dtd, I only glanced the code. But at the
> same time, they provide specific "modes" for the dtd they use (docbook and
> gnomesummary). If it works, it's exactly what I'm dreaming of since years.
> I think that it could be interesting to :
> - see whether we can reuse their automatic classification heuristic
I'm not used with python, so I'll leave it to other skilled programmers ;)
> - build a gnomesummary module from their one (it looks really easy to do)
If it should only contain the translateable tags, it's so easy to do.
(attaching it to my TODO list...)
> - contact the authors to see whether they would accept to merge our efforts
> since it's also python based, we may well get the same result than with
> the translate project (both parts willing to merge, none willing to
> switch the programming language, and no change as result), but it worth
> trying...
> Your advice?
My vision is that all these efforts have to merge, and I propose the following
long term steps:
- First, we (all the involved projects) should define a common interface
(extending the TransTractor one, for example) that would be able to
handle all the posible file formats (more than one translation on the
same file, etc.)
- Second, we should implement the new kernel app that is able to handle
everything defined in the first step using plugins.
- Third, each project could build his own file format plugins in their
preferred language.
> PS: I dream of Perl6, which will make possible the code sharing between
> perl, python and even java ;)
I support C/C++ for the kernel app, which has interfaces to lots of other
languages, and it could also bring us some more performance.
Maybe all this is like an utopia, but I think it's the way to go. If we decide
to follow one of these roads we should tell the other projects.
The main spanish translators group has proposed a small encounter of the
translation efforts (translators themselves and tools' developers) for next
summer. I think it could be a nice event to talk about all these issues. I'll
be forwarding all the information I get about it.
Jordi Vilalta
19 years, 11 months
Re: [Po4a-devel]Config files enhancement
by Jordi Vilalta
On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Martin Quinson wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 01:18:51PM +0200, Jordi Vilalta wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > while trying to translate the new website proposal I found the need to add
> > module options in the config files (a longstanding limitation of the po4a
> > script). A posible solution came to my mind: we could define "module
> > aliases". For example, we could define po4aweb to be an alias to the xml
> > module with some options:
> >
> > [po4a_alias: po4aweb] xml -o inline="<a>"
> > [type: po4aweb] index.xml $lang:index.xml.$lang
> >
> > Would it be so difficult to implement it?
> What about
> [type: xml] index.xml $lang:index.xml.$lang modopt:inline="<a>"
> ?
> It sounds rather simple to implement, too. It would solve the module option
> issue, as long as you don't want to pass different module options for the
> different languages.
> The schema could be extended a bit for the other cases:
> - language specific module option: modopt_fr and friends?
> - non-module option such as -k to po4a-translate: no idea. Maybe directly:
> [type: xml] index.xml $lang:index.xml.$lang modopt:inline="<a>" -k 40
Well, my idea was to be able to reuse the options. Once po4aweb is defined (in
the example above), there can be lots of documents using this "alias". Maybe we
could do a mix between both approaches: common options defined as module
aliases, and file-specific options defined in the file line.
We could use the same syntax (modopt and others) while defining the module
aliases, being able to do something like:
[po4a_alias: po4aweb] xml modopt:inline="<a>" opt:"-k 0" \
opt_fr:"-L iso-8859-1" opt_zh:"-L utf-8"
[type: po4aweb] index.xml $lang:index.xml.$lang
[type: po4aweb] features.xml $lang:features.xml.$lang modopt:inline="<b>"
Just brainstorming :P
Jordi Vilalta
19 years, 11 months
[Po4a-devel]Config files enhancement
by Jordi Vilalta
while trying to translate the new website proposal I found the need to add
module options in the config files (a longstanding limitation of the po4a
script). A posible solution came to my mind: we could define "module
aliases". For example, we could define po4aweb to be an alias to the xml
module with some options:
[po4a_alias: po4aweb] xml -o inline="<a>"
[type: po4aweb] index.xml $lang:index.xml.$lang
Would it be so difficult to implement it?
Jordi Vilalta
19 years, 11 months
[Po4a-devel]New website (2nd approach)
by Jordi Vilalta
I've recently been reworking the website prototype I proposed some time ago.
This is based in xml source pages (easy to translate with po4a), converted to
static xhtml using xsltproc.
I've also been trying the content negotiation in alioth, and it can be enabled
with a simple .htaccess file. With this we can show the pages in the best
matching language depending on the client's browser setup.
You can see the current status at http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/proposal/
The diferent languages can be accessed adding the language code to the file
name, i.e.: http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/proposal/involve.html.ca
The attached file contains the source of the page (just extract it inside the
po4a directory, run make inside of the new web directory and you'll get the
generated page inside of the "web/out" directory).
Once again it's just a "structure test". If you like how it works, we can begin
working on the site contents.
Jordi Vilalta
19 years, 11 months
[Po4a-devel]New website (2nd approach)
by Jordi Vilalta
I've recently been reworking the website prototype I proposed some time
ago. This is based in xml source pages (easy to translate with po4a),
converted to static xhtml using xsltproc.
I've also been trying the content negotiation in alioth, and it can be
enabled with a simple .htaccess file. With this we can show the pages in
the best matching language depending on the client's browser setup.
You can see the current status at http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/proposal/
The diferent languages can be accessed adding the language code to the
file name, i.e.: http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/proposal/involve.html.ca
The attached file contains the source of the page (just extract it
inside the po4a directory, run make inside of the new web directory and
you'll get the generated page inside of the "web/out" directory).
Once again it's just a "structure test". If you like how it works, we can
begin working on the site contents.
Jordi Vilalta
19 years, 11 months
by info@kqsv16.com
$B"!(B10000$B1_L5NA%]%$%s%H$H?7$7$$=P2q$$(BGET$B!*"*"*"*(B http://awg.webchu.com/?springp
19 years, 11 months
[Po4a-devel]Re: [Po4a-commits] po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a Man.pm,1.83,1.84
by Martin Quinson
Excellent. Just a quick remark or two :
On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 02:49:58PM +0000, Nicolas FRAN??OIS wrote:
> +=item quotes
> +
> +`` and '' are respectively tranliterated into \*(lq and \*(rq.
> +
> +To avoid this transliterations, translators can insert a zero width roff
> +character (\&).
*these* transliterations.
An example would be welcome here, I think.
Thanks for your great work,
19 years, 11 months