Re: [Po4a-devel]Re: Translating NEWS.Debian files: a (crude) first try
by Jordi Vilalta
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Jordi Vilalta wrote:
> I might be wrong, but I think it's time to create a new module with common
> functions used by several scripts, like the config file loading, or a
> function to show wrapped messages using the proposed syntax in
> Any ideas about this? What name should it take? (Common, Utils, Tools,
> ...?)
I've begun working on it (with the temporary name "Common").
While moving common parts of the scripts to this module, I've found an
undocumented option in the po4a script: split. What does it do? It adds a big
amount of code. Should it be documented or is it there just for testing?
hmm, I'm now thinking on posponing these big moves and concentrating in the
gcc-like syntax/wrapping stuff.
Jordi Vilalta
20 years
[Po4a-devel]Release status
by Nicolas François
I think po4a is in a releasable state.
I'm not sure about how to add the LaTeX and TeX modules (only add them in
the MANIFEST?). If somebody can do this, it would be nice.
However, it could be nice to plan a 20.1 to fix some non blocking issue:
* the with-{hyphen_to_minus,non_breaking_spaces} options (Man module)
is a bogus fix.
see thread "po4a/t 02-TransTractors.t,1.8,1.9"
* there are some martin.quinson(a) email address in the
source (I don't know if Martin wants to change them)
* there were no string freeze before this release, and there were some
string change recently.
* the LaTeX module may have nasty bugs not found during testing.
* Danilo raised an issue regarding the wrapping
It may be a little late to send this status, but if you have any comment,
please send it.
Martin wanted to release tomorrow.
20 years
[Po4a-devel]Local installation fails due to hard-coded paths
by Danilo Piazzalunga
Build.PL contains hard-coded paths to '/usr/share/man' and
'/usr/share/locale'. These prevent a local installation and affect the usage
of the destdir option.
$ ./Build install destdir=/tmp
Installing /tmp/usr/local/man/man1/po4a-normalize.1p
Installing /tmp/usr/local/man/man3/Locale::Po4a::Po.3pm
Installing /tmp/usr/share/man/ca/man1/po4a-updatepo.1p.gz
Installing /tmp/usr/share/man/it/man3/Locale::Po4a::Common.3pm.gz
Installing /tmp/usr/share/man/man7/po4a.7.gz
Installing /tmp/usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
Installing /tmp/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
Installing /tmp/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
Installing /tmp/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
Installing /tmp/usr/local/bin/po4a
20 years
[Po4a-devel]Over-wrapping po4a progress output
by Danilo Piazzalunga
Hello again,
I'd like to express a little wish about the new auto-wrapped output of the
scripts. While it is really *great* for error reporting, it may be a little
"ugly" for normal progress output, because the text is unconditionally
wrapped at column 80, regardless of the terminal size.
If running 'po4a' on many files, parsing and/or grepping its output becomes
difficult because of the "noisy" wrapped text.
Thanks for your time,
P.S: I didn't file a bug because I'm not sure whether this is already in the
Debian package
20 years, 1 month
[Po4a-devel]Re: [Po4a-commits] po4a/t 02-TransTractors.t,1.8,1.9
by Denis Barbier
On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 03:28:52PM +0000, Nicolas FRAN??OIS wrote:
> Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/t
> In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv6316/t
> Modified Files:
> 02-TransTractors.t
> Log Message:
> Update the regression test suite:
> * change back non breaking spaces to '\\ ' in the PO files for man pages.
I quickly read previous messages but did not realize that this change
was needed. Adding "\\ " is much less natural than a non breaking space
(at least for those who are used to write this glyph), so can you please
explain why this conversion was troublesome?
20 years, 1 month
[Po4a-devel]Non breaking spaces in man pages
by Jordi Vilalta
I was just gettextizing some man pages and I've noticed a problem when
trying to mix several po files:
$ msgcat *.po
file1.po:19:10: invalid multibyte sequence
msgcat: found 1 fatal error
I've found that there was a strange character in that position, and it
seems it's the equivalent of man page's "\ ". What's its meaning? Why is
it handled with this strange byte? It seems we're generating non-compliant
po files :S
Jordi Vilalta
20 years, 1 month
[Po4a-devel]Encoding issue
by Nicolas François
I'm experiencing some encoding issues with po4a:
I'm using a latin1 man page (this is just in order to reproduce the issue,
in fact the issue was encountered with LaTeX).
I need to specify the encoding of the master document (-M ISO-8859-1).
The generated PO file (with po4a-normalize, or po4a-gettextize) indicate
an utf-8 charset.
File indicates that the po file is an UTF-8 Unicode PO
But the encoding of strings is not good:
instead of the Unicode 00E9 (é, encoded as C3A9 in UTF-8),
I've got an Unicode 00C3 followed by and Unicode 00A9 (respectively
encoded as C383 and C2A9)
Do you have an idea where it could come from?
20 years, 1 month
Re: [Po4a-devel]Over-wrapping po4a progress output
by Nicolas François
Sorry if I'm breaking the thread, I'm no more receiving mails.
For the "terminal size" issue, maybe we can use the COLUMN environment
variable (the user will have to export it), or the libterm-readkey-perl
PS: I will be on irc (Freenode), #po4a this week-end.
20 years, 1 month
[Po4a-devel]Test for escaped tabs and newlines in man pages
by Danilo Piazzalunga
Hi all,
I would like to add a test the handling of a "line continuation" in verbatim
sections and of <\><TAB> sequences in man pages.
The handling of these sequences was fixed in 0.19.2, and the test would ensure
that no regressions would happen.
I will wait for approval before committing.
20 years, 1 month