[Po4a-devel]Ready to release
by Jordi Vilalta
Since Martin couldn't release last week, I've been preparing the release
today. I've updated the translations and modified the MANIFEST to include
the new translations. If you agree we could release it today or tomorrow.
Jordi Vilalta
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]0.18.1 is out
by Denis Barbier
Several good news: this list works again, 0.18.1 has been uploaded to
Alioth and the Debian package uploaded to unstable with a high
priority to have a chance to hit sarge.
Here is the Changelog entry:
[Jordi Vilalta]
- [Xml.pm] Improved attributes matching when there's no tag hierarchy in
front of an attribute
[Denis Barbier]
- A header comment is inserted by po4a-translate with some formats,
remove po4a version number from this comment so that test files do
not have to be updated at every release.
Enjoy ;)
20 years, 5 months
Re: [Po4a-devel][CVS] po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a Po.pm,1.19,1.20
by Martin Quinson
On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 06:30:58AM +0000, Jordi Vilalta wrote:
> Index: Po.pm
> +
> +=item to_utf()
> +
> +This recodes all the msgstrs in the po from the character set specified in the
> +header to utf-8. This process is only ignored if the header character set is
> +"CHARSET" (unspecified, usually means ascii), "ascii" or "utf-8".
What do you mean here? The "only" really puzzle me. What about:
Recodes to utf-8 the po's msgstrs. Does nothing if the charset is not
specified in the po file ("CHARSET" value), or if it's already utf-8 or ascii.
Is this what the function does?
Ce que nous vendons à Coca-Cola, c'est du temps de cerveau humain disponible.
-- Patrick Le Lay, PDG de TF1 (L'Expansion, 09/07/2004).
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]Release plan
by Martin Quinson
I'm gonna release as is. I think that the addendums work, but that the tests
are broken. I don't have the time to dig into this before leaving the country.
I don't have the time to do anything beside hacking Build.PL, and go for a
release. I'm gonna do so in two days, please update your translation if you
want them to be on this flight.
Pierre, if you can update the french translation, you're very welcome. I
will survive releasing po4a with not full translation.
I am very sorry about this story dudes.
But if you had 12 hours to compile omniorb (build-dep on python) plus two
other obscure libraries on linux/{i86/sparc/ppc}, solaris, AIX and then do
some distributed experiments on the results (plus mpi, which is already
compiled, thanks god), I'm sure you would understand.
Bye, Mt.
Les rebelles disaient que les débutants avaient le droit d'utiliser un
"éditeur", qui ressemblait à MSWord comme sa mère à Pamela Anderson.
"Vihaille" comme les rebelles l'appellaient, était sans doute un bizutage
-- L'histoire des pingouins
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]should we switch to Text::WrapI18N ?
by Martin Quinson
while trying to fix the fact that '. ' is changed '. ', I noticed that
there is a Text::WrapI18N on my box, which can handle "strange" languages
where all chars do not have the same width or not even a space char.
Should we switch to it or is the dependency too much? But if not, how to
deal with those languages?
Indeed, po4a does not use the Text::Wrap module right now, because we would
loose the spaces at the end of lines (which are important within the po
file). But Text::WrapI18N is made by Tomohiro KUBOTA, which I know from the
debian-i18n mailing list. I'm sure we could get him adding an option for us
Jordi, can you get this library on your box, or is it Debian only?
Every day of my life I am forced to add another name to the list of people
who piss me off!
--- Calvin
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]Some extensive testing of the man module
by Martin Quinson
by curiosity, I lauched again my script which tries to normalize all man
pages of my hard disk. That is to say, it takes each page, put it through
po4a and spit it out without translation of any kind. Then, it asks groff to
reformat both the original and the result of po4a, and compare the results.
Here are some results:
There is 6531 pages on my machine (not accounting translated ones).
2078 pages are perfectly handled.
96 are only rewrapped (diff sees a difference, wdiff doesn't)
791 produce a difference at wdiff level.
Most of those changes are ignorable (different hyphenation, change
``bla'' to "bla", ie in fact \*(lqbla\*(rq which is the proper groff
way of life)
But some of them are real errors. Unfortunately, I do not have the time
so sort out which is what.
1884 pages are ignored.
1689 are generated from Pod::Man (use pod module instead)
11 are generated from docbook-to-man (use sgml module instead)
184 are generated from docbook2man (use sgml module instead)
1682 use a construct that the parser refuses to handle. Note that the parser
stops on the first one, so the counts are biaised.
615 use imbriqued font modifier. We could deal with that, but I'm not in a
hurry. Most of the time, authors make mistake when tricking with font
modifiers. I'm glad po4a helps to fix it.
252 include files. We want to fix that.
242 define new macros with .de (67 of them because they use db2man. Once
we have a released xml module, those can be handled with the proper
module). Not much we can do for the others, I guess.
205 use macros we do not know yet. The details is attached. A bunch of
them seem to be typo. The other should be added.
144 use conditionals (4 .ie/140 .if). I can't remember whether we have a
chance to deal with them.
64 are mdoc(7) formated. We may want to add support for this.
59 use non-ascii chars, but we failed to detect the encoding.
55 put the args of .B or .I on the next line (36 .B/19 .I). It should be
possible to deal with that. example: xbubble(6).
46 use the \c escape char. I forgot what it does, but I remember there is
not much we can do.
I have the full log of all details, if you're interested.
So, as a result, po4a can translate 2/3 of the man pages on my hard disk
without a glich, which is not bad. Some of the remaining pages need to be
patched, few of them seems to request po4a to get patched.
For the story, I have 2 pages I wrote myself on my harddisk (xbubble(6) and
quilt(1)), and none of them are po4a-friendly. The first puts .B arguments
on the next line, and the second contains a typo (use of ." instead of .\")
I need to fix it ;)
Here are some bugs I've identified by glancing the logs:
**BUG 1**
.BI -a\ addresses => .BI "-a addresses"
(example: nws_sensor.1)
**BUG 2**
blabliblu \
changed to
blabliblu bloblobla
(example: gettimeofday.2)
**BUG 3**
The wrapper changes remove double spaces after the points. This is where all
wrapping changes (96 pages at least) seem to come from.
**BUG 4**
.IB arg .array \fR.
The argument
.I semnum
is ignored.
changed to I<arg>B<.array>. I<The argument semnum> is ignored.
(example: semctl.2)
Of course, I plan to fix all of them one day ;)
Thanks, Mt.
Each language has its purpose, however humble. Each language expresses the
Yin and Yang of software. Each language has its place within the Tao.
But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it.
-- The Tao of programming
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]What blocks the release?
by Martin Quinson
I know I have to fix the tests and maybe some other bugs in the Man (but
last time I fixed something just before the release, it wasn't succesful).
But what other issues have we?
I would like to see the message about "encoding not found" display the file
name at least, but if that's not possible, no problem.
Thanks, Mt.
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]Re: [Po4a-commits] po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a TransTractor.pm,1.41,1.42
by Martin Quinson
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 10:38:53PM +0000, Jordi Vilalta wrote:
> Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a
> In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv13365/lib/Locale/Po4a
> Modified Files:
> TransTractor.pm
> Log Message:
> Say the reference to the first line with non-ascii encoding on error if it
> couldn't determine the document encoding
Thanks. Is is safe to make the same change at line 954, where this error
message also appear?
I reworded a bit the message. I prefer to say "at $ref" than "in $ref". I'm
not sure which one is the best, but anyway.
Moreover, I think we may want to go for a gcc-like notation when possible. Ie:
FILE:LINE: error message.
Actually, the user probably don't really care whether the error comes from
the core of po4a, or this or that module. Not speaking that he knows which
module it is, most of the time, since he provided the -f flag...
Another good point about that is that emacs undertand this notation and jump
to the error point. I'm often pissed of by perl, which hides the error point
right in the middle of the phrase, and I know realize I did the same for
po4a :-/
If you agree with me, I'm not sure whether we want to change this right away
(and fuzzy 95% of the strings again), or later.
Bye, Mt.
> Index: TransTractor.pm
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm,v
> retrieving revision 1.41
> retrieving revision 1.42
> diff -u -d -r1.41 -r1.42
> --- TransTractor.pm 16 Aug 2004 23:40:23 -0000 1.41
> +++ TransTractor.pm 17 Aug 2004 22:38:51 -0000 1.42
> @@ -378,6 +378,8 @@
> if (!ref($decoder) or $decoder !~ /Encode::XS=/) {
> # We have detected a non-ascii line
> $self->{TT}{ascii_input} = 0;
> + # Save the reference for future error message
> + $self->{TT}{non_ascii_ref} ||= $ref;
> }
> }
> }
> @@ -809,7 +811,7 @@
> } else {
> # FYI, the document charset have to be determined *before* we see the first
> # string to recode.
> - die "po4a: ".dgettext("po4a","Couldn't determine the input document's character set. Please specify it on the command line.")."\n"
> + die "po4a: ".sprintf(dgettext("po4a","Couldn't determine the input document's character set. Please specify it on the command line. First non-ascii character appears in %s"),$self->{TT}{non_ascii_ref})."\n"
> }
> }
> _______________________________________________
> Po4a-commits mailing list
> Po4a-commits(a)lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/po4a-commits
Dans un pays d'extrême droite, On se torche avec les doigts,
Y'a plus de journaux pour ça.
-- Frères misère
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]Re: [Po4a-commits] po4a po4a,1.17,1.18
by Martin Quinson
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 10:20:55PM +0000, Jordi Vilalta wrote:
> Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a
> In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv10700
> Modified Files:
> po4a
> Log Message:
> Small encoding improvement + cleaning
Mmm. Why to force UTF when the user specified another setting with -M and -A?
> Index: po4a
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/po4a,v
> retrieving revision 1.17
> retrieving revision 1.18
> diff -u -d -r1.17 -r1.18
> --- po4a 16 Aug 2004 23:41:08 -0000 1.17
> +++ po4a 17 Aug 2004 22:20:52 -0000 1.18
> @@ -318,13 +318,15 @@
> my $potfile=Locale::Po4a::Po->new();
> foreach my $master (keys %document) {
> my $doc=Locale::Po4a::Chooser::new($document{$master}{'format'},%options);
> + # We ensure that the generated po will be in utf-8 if the input document
> + # isn't entirely in ascii
> + $doc->{TT}{utf_mode} = 1;
> $doc->setpoout($potfile);
> my @file_in_name;
> push @file_in_name, $master;
> $doc->process('file_in_name' => \@file_in_name,
> - 'file_in_charset' => $mastchar,
> - 'addendum_charset' => $addchar);
> + 'file_in_charset' => $mastchar);
> $potfile = $doc->getpoout();
> }
> $potfile->write($pot_filename);
20 years, 5 months
[Po4a-devel]man module: .IP's designator should be translatable
by Nicolas François
In the useradd.8 manpage, there is the following groff lines:
.IP "\fB-c \fIcomment\fR"
The new user's password file comment field.
.IP [...]
At this time, the designator is only translatable if the indentation is
set (second argument to the .IP macro).
With the current po4a, the argument to the -c option can't be translated.
The attached patch should correct this.
I'm not used to perl, please corect my patch if needed.
20 years, 5 months