Note that I do not speak Japanese.
There are some Japanese users/developpers of po4a who may be of a better
help if needed.
現在、Latexの *.texファイルを *.poへ変換する po4a-getですが、
対象のマスタードキュメントによって *.poファイルが作成できないことがあります。
>./po4a-gettextize -f latex -m *****.tex -p *****_origi.po
*****.tex:32: (po4a::tex)
不明な環境です: 'lomgtable'
From what I understood (from the Google translation of your message),
may be able to fix your issue by adding the following comments in your
LaTeX documents to drive po4a for the handling of these unknown
% po4a: environment longtable {}
% po4a: separator longtable "(?:&|\\\\\\\\|\\\\hline)"
(Some explanations are in "man Locale::Po4a::TeX")
Note: I did not test this. Just send me the file which triggers this issue
if you want me to have a deeper look.
The issue might also be triggered by a typo: lomgtable -> longtable
Best Regards,