I'm trying to include an attribute string in the .pot file, but
haven't found the correct formatting yet. This is what I have in the
file header:
//po4a: entry :man manual:
= ionice(1)
:doctype: manpage
:man manual: User commands
:man source: util-linux {release-version}
:page-layout: base
:command: ionice
I like to translate the value of the "man manual" attribute, but it isn't
recognized. This is the command I use:
po4a-gettextize -f asciidoc -m ionice.1.adoc -p ionice.1.pot
Tried some other versions, with or without colons, with or without
citation, even the attribute entry instead of the attribute name. What
I have to do to get this into the .pot file?
Best Regards,