This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of
£1,350,000 (One million, three hundred and fifty thousand,pounds
sterling), held on the 20th July, 2007 in London
UK. The selection process was carried out through random selection in
Our computerized email selection system (ess) from a database of over
250,000 email Addresses drawn from which you were selected.
Contact our fiduciary agent for claims with:
Name:Dr.James West.
Tel:+447 035 902 188
Fax:+44 707 500 9919
EMAIL: contact_claimsagentwest(a)
Fill the below:
1. Name: 2. Address 3. Marital Status: 4. Occupation: 5. Age:
6. Sex: 7. Nationality: 8. Country of Residence: 9. Telephone Number:
Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Stella Ellis.
(Online supervisor)