Done, I also made a last round of preventive unfuzzy for po/pod
(corrected some more style stuff in the process). Omar seems to have
unfuzzy everything po/bin (just added the s/ascii/ASCII/ one). I now
Hi, I
didn't unfuzzy all po/bin files from the first correction. Will do
the remaining ones tomorrow morning. I already finished my own Spanish
correction, and I did insert the corrections I could find in the
English docs but for the one below.
Please, search for
"docbook-xsl - the stylesheet"
in the po(t) file.
It will take you to string which may look better with "the default
stylesheet" though I was unsure about that correction.
plan to have a second look in html...
(As a translator, I like to work with PO files, that's why I
them, but feel free to continue and correct some more stuff before the
call for translation).
Ok, thanks.
I will notify docs translators about the stylistc changes, as they have
a long deadline, and as they may have, i.e. "po" in their msgtrs where
"PO" appeared in msgids, previous to your corrections (hence unnoticed
to us as they weren't marked fuzzy). I had to correct such things
during my Spanish review.
Omar Campagne Polaino