On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 01:56:46AM +0200, Jordi Vilalta wrote:
On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Martin Quinson wrote:
>Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a
>In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv32446
>Added Files:
> html-build-upload.sh
>Log Message:
>A little script to regenerate the documentation on
I liked to see all the documentation on the web :) Today I've been
modifying this script to handle also the translated documentation, and to
generate a very simple main page. I send you this. Take what you like and
throw away what you don't (I don't know what you have in mind to put in
the web).
The biggest issue I found with mpod2html is that it searches the modules'
description in sections that begin with "NAME", but in translated
documents it doesn't exist, and then it says those modules have no
description. Everything else is fine.
Why don't you just commit it? Why don't you just upload your changes to the
server? (don't forget to change your .ssh/config so that your user name is
right on this server)
While you're at it, it'd be better to use rsync instead of scp to upload the
files. It'd allow to remove dead files. But I'm not sure we, as restricted
-guest accounts, are allowed to use rsync. That's quite possible, but I
didn't check. That's not critical either.
Does this take care of the not yet translated pages? The best would be to
create a link to the english version in that case. I'm sorry for not even
reading your modified version, but I'm really tired tonight...
Many thanks,
Je crois que nous sommes dans une tendance irréversible pour plus de
liberté et de démocratie, mais ça pourrait changer.
-- G.W. Bush