Simplified Chinese translation for po4a
by hottea
dear all.
I'm not sure if I have join this mail list. I don't know how to join as there isn't a how-to on the website. I hope you can receive my email.
I found po4a when doing some translation, and found that there's not a complete Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, so I do the work. I create a project on transifex, a localization platform, see I wonder how could I see the final result? Where are the translation installed?
If you're interested in the Simplified Chinese translation for po4a, please join the language team on, you can also request language on transifex.
send from hottea's openSUSE
4 years, 1 month
Please complete your translations before the release
by Martin Quinson
the changelog for the upcoming release is already nicely packed, and
it's time to think of the release. I would like to do so by the end of
this week, if possible. Please speak up if there is an issue.
Here are the current translation stats:
7 languages at 100%: de, fr, hr, nl, pt_BR, ru, uk.
1 language >= 95%: hu (95%).
1 language >= 90%: sr_Cyrl (93%).
8 languages >= 80%: es (89%), et (89%), it (89%), nb (89%), pl (89%), pt (89%), sv (84%), vi (89%).
7 languages >= 70%: cs (77%), da (77%), eo (77%), eu (77%), id (79%), ja (78%), sl (77%).
1 language >= 50%: ca (60%).
2 languages >= 20%: ko (27%), zh_CN (26%).
4 starting languages: af (10%), ar (17%), kn (12%), zh_HK (6%).
1 language at 100%: uk.
1 language >= 95%: pt_BR (97%).
1 language >= 90%: de (91%).
1 language >= 80%: pt (80%).
4 languages >= 70%: es (78%), fr (78%), ja (75%), pl (74%).
1 language >= 50%: it (50%).
2 languages >= 33%: ca (48%), ru (41%).
5 starting languages: hu (0%), nb (1%), nl (10%), sr_Cyrl (1%), zh_CHS (1%).
Please note that I will not have the time to update the French
translation of the documentation, so any help would be welcome.
Failure is not an option.
It comes bundled with software.
4 years, 10 months
Rewritting the documentation
by Martin Quinson
Hello, all.
I am in the process of rewritting the documentation to help the users.
I'm sorry for all the translators for the extra work this induces. At
first, I wanted my lifting to be non-intrusive, but it seems that it
escalated quickly.
Please do not rush into the translation process unless you want to
help me improving this text. I will leave some time for the
translation process to occur before releasing, once we are satisfied
with the documentation.
Any remark is welcome either as a mail, or as a comment on the github
commits, or as a comment on weblate, as you wish.
Thanks for your help and support,
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting.
It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-- Oscar Wilde, The Soul of a Man Under Socialism, 1881
4 years, 10 months
Redesigning the po4a.cfg config file
by Martin Quinson
I think that the current configuration format [1] is hindering the
usability of po4a. I would like to redesign it, for example as a YAML
file. One could dream of something similar to the gitlab-ci.yml format
[2] or the travis one [3].
[1] described somewhere in
The thing is that I'm not really sure of what I want to build here,
because I think that it's not only a problem of converting the
existing formatting to YAML and that we could do a better job.
I searched a bit on the internet, and it seems that there is a really
large amount of projects using po4a (which is cool :) [4]. I was
looking to see how people are using po4a. Many seem to generate these
po4a.conf files. This is another argument for the redesign :)
This is it. I'm requesting design ideas, please. I think it can be
made simple, but I'm short in ideas myself.
We don't need no formal specification, but some examples that will
hopefully be self-explanatory. It'd be really helpful if all users
could send the config file of their dream for their project. Please
send them here on the list for others to comment, and forward this
call for dreamt config file to any interested parties.
Thanks for your help,
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it. -- Brian Kernighan
4 years, 11 months